Life for a Child
- resources from International Diabetes Foundation with mission to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide
Take Control of Your Diabetes
- educates and motivates people with diabetes to take a more active role in their condition
National Osteoporosis Foundation - is the nation's leading voluntary health organization solely
dedicated to osteoporosis and bone health
The Paget Foundation - information on Paget's disease and other bone-related conditions
including primary hyperparathyroidism, fibrous dysplasia and the rare disease osteopetrosis
Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association - a national non-profit organization of thyroid cancer survivors. This has useful information such as low iodine recipes, support groups and a national non-profit organization of thyroid cancer survivors.
This has useful information such as low iodine recipes, support groups and more
Thyroid Awareness - useful resources from the The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists